Hits: 1880

I got back home on Friday from almost two weeks in central Florida - five days for work, and another week of vacation. It was great to get away from winter, walk on the beach, etc. Among other things, we visited Kermit Weeks’ Fantasy of Flight collection (highly recommended) and the Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge (huge variety of birds, alligators, etc). It was an unhappy, but expected, shock to see snow again when we got back.

I went out to the hangar on Saturday morning, expecting to have to clear a huge pile of snow from the big storm that came through while I was away. But, some good Samaritan had cleared it for me, and I only needed to deal with the 1/2" of loose, fluffy snow that had fallen Friday night. Thanks, whoever you are! I had a great RV–8 flight just before lunch, doing some practice instrument approaches at Ottawa.