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I fabricated the tracks that the canopy slides on. Today, I fitted the canopy frame, tweaked it to improve the fit, and drilled the holes that fasten the canopy tracks. I've got a bit more frame tweaking to do, and then I can start fitting the plexiglas to the frame. The frame was a fairly close fit as delivered, except at the very rear. It sure takes a lot of force to bend it - that 4130 steel tube is strong, springy stuff. I had to use a strap clamp to pull it in over 3.5 inches just to get it to make it 1/8 inch narrower. I've still got to pull the aft end down about 3 inches - that is going to be a challenge.

In the picture you can see the little strips of metal that I clamped to the bottom edge of the canopy frame to help judge how well it fit laterally. It must be bent so the canopy skirt (simulated by the strips of metal) will just ride against the outside edge of the fuselage.