It’s been too many weeks since I updated this blog.
The weather has generally need quite terrible, with lots of rain and low ceilings for much of the last four weeks. I discussed my intermittent radio issue on the AeroElectric List, and the general consensus was that I likely either had a bad crimp on the problematic Fast-On connector, or perhaps that connector was not up to spec somehow. So, I cut the connector off, spliced the wire (it was too short once I cut the old connector off) and crimped on a new connector. Hopefully this will be the end of this issue, but I’ll be on the edge of my seat for the next few flights to see if the problem reoccurs.
I also rerouted the antenna coax for both radios into the cockpit by my left knee and added inline connectors so I can easily sway antennas between radios, or hook my handheld com up to the external antenna. If my COM 1 transmission problem happens again I will be able to connect COM 2 to the much better external antenna, rather than its normal short range internal antenna.
The weather did pick up a bit this week, but the weekend forecast was not so good. This prompted me to take a half day off Friday morning so I could get a much needed RV-8 proficiency flight in. The radio worked well, and there is no sign of a brake leak yet.
The annual Smiths Falls Flying Club Fly-In breakfast was this morning. The day started off OK with a ceiling of about 3000 ft, but the ceiling dropped significantly after many aircraft were enroute, and some of them had quite some fun getting to the airport. But, we had about 60 aircraft show up plus a very good number of drive in attendees.
The weather picked up a bit in the late morning, so I got a short local flight in.
Hopefully the weather will be better next weekend, as Terry and I are getting antsy to fly somewhere for lunch. We’re hoping to fly down to the Owen Sound Wings and Wheels event on Sunday.