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Saturday afternoon I installed the new baggage door lock in the baggage door, and made a new hinge pin. Sunday afternoon I went to the hangar, reinstalled the baggage door and changed the canopy lock so it would have the same key as the baggage door. I reinstalled the EFIS (it had been back to Dynon to fix a hardware fault), and updated it to the latest firmware. I had planned to also reinstall the turn and bank indicator (it had had stopped working, and was fixed by First Air Avionics, the best local avionics shop). But, sometime between my removing it and it getting put back in the box by First Air, one of the little brass instrument nuts went missing. I had a bunch of spares at home, but that didn't do me much good at the hangar.

Lesson #1 - take a good look in the box before taking anything to the hangar to be sure I have everything I need to install it. Lesson #2 - I should move most spare parts and hardware to the hangar, which is where I will be when I discover I need them.

I climbed in the cockpit to try out the rudder pedals with my new ankle. As I hoped, I found that the RV-8 pedals are tipped far enough forward so that unlike the Cessna Citation, I can easily use rudder without also applying a bit of brake. I made a bunch of quick rudder and brake applications, and found the ankle was very happy with all that. So, assuming I get a couple more flights on other aircraft this week, as scheduled, I could be ready to fly the RV-8 again as early as next weekend.