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I've had a pretty good week, but Terry's was quite mixed.

My ankle is getting a bit more capable each day. It has the strength to support most of my weight now, with some discomfort. But I still need crutches to provide balance, as the ankle doesn't yet have the strength and control it needs to keep me from toppling over in some random direction. The wrist is getting much stronger - now I can hold a five pound laptop computer horizontal, which was only a dream a week ago.

Wednesday it was quite nice, and Terry was feeling good, so we went out for lunch, and then did a quick visit to Chapters. We used to hit Chapters once or twice a month, but we probably hadn't been there since February. It was good to be back, if only for a few minutes (my foot swells if I spend too long in a standing position).

I had a visit with an orthopaedic surgeon on Thursday. It wasn't a completely satisfactory visit, as they were two hours behind schedule. They were effectively seeing two day's worth of patients in one day because all the appointments the week before had been cancelled. I didn't see my regular doctor, as another doc was helping out. He did give me clearance to start physiotherapy, so I made an appointment for a physio evaluation later this week.

Terry's week wasn't nearly as good as mine. Her back injury is healing well, but she is fighting a new issue. Some days are good, but on other days she has numbness in her hands, and significant pain in her arms and hands. She has had some tests done to figure out what the problem is, but they haven't found the smoking gun yet. The current theory is pinched nerves, but we don't know yet what the root cause would be.

We've booked airline tickets to fly to Green Bay, WI in late July. Terry will spend time with her sisters, and I will spend a few days at the EAA Fly-In at Oshkosh. I had hoped to fly the RV-8 there this year, but it will still be good to get there by car, so I can meet up with other builders. We've received a tremendous amount of support from the RV community after the accident, with lots of e-mails, telephone calls, and web forum postings, and it will do me a lot of good to see some of these great folks in person again. I doubt I'll be walking that well, so I'll probably end up renting an electric mobility cart.