All in all, we’re doing OK. My biggest problem is that I am starting to go a bit stir crazy. Terry has finally learned to slow down, so her back is doing fairly well - not much pain. She’ll be in the back brace for another few weeks, then we’ll see how it goes after it comes off. Her biggest complaint right now is she is fighting an inner ear infection that gives her periodic vertigo and nausea.
I’ve been making steady progress at building up range of motion in the wrist and ankle. The left wrist and hand finally got flexible enough so I could touch type again about three days ago - that was a nice change after eight weeks of one finger, then two finger, hunt and peck. I’ve still got a fair ways to go to regain full range of motion and strength, but at least the left hand is now functional for most tasks.
I’m still not allowed to put any weight on the right leg, but I have been able to exercise the ankle. There is no pain when I move it, and the range of motion is slowly increasing. It’s got a long way to go before it’ll be useful for walking or flying though. I think the range of motion will increase fairly quickly once I can put some weight on it.
A coworker loaned me some crutches he used when he broke his foot a few years ago - thanks John. Given that both my left collar bone and wrist are healing, I wasn’t sure whether I would be better off with ones that went under the armpits, or with the kind where the weight is taken by the wrists. These ones are the wrist kind - I tried them today, and clearly my left wrist is far from being ready to take that much weight on it. I’ll track down a pair that go under the arm pits and see how that works out. It would be nice to escape this blasted wheel chair.
I’ve been working from home several hours each week day, and occasionally working on several articles for Kitplanes magazine. The first one should be in the August issue, and I’ve got two more mostly written. There are another two or three in the queue after these.