I've been checking the Pro-seal on the fuel tank access covers. It is slowly getting harder, but I think I am a few weeks away from being able to leak test the fuel tanks.
I took a look at the wheel pants earlier in the week. I thought that all the major fibreglas work on them was finished, and I just had to fill a few very small glitches. But noted that my last mod on the wheel pants (putting a layer of fibreglas cloth over the Tinnerman washers) had created a step between the front and rear halves of the pants. So, yesterday I covered the aft edge of the front half with vinyl tape, and mixed up some filler to bring the surface of the rear half up to level. I hoped to sand it today, but it wasn't quite fully cured, as it was perhaps a bit too cold in the garage. I moved the pants down into the basement, and I hope to take a day off sometime this week so I can sand them outside.
This week I started fitting the NACA scoop under the bottom of the right wing. This scoop provides fresh air for the rear seat. Today I finished the job and riveted it in place.