While at Oshkosh, shortly after we landed, a golf cart with EAA Press folks rolled up. They aircraft had caught their eye as we were taxiing in, and they asked if I’d be interested in doing an air-to-air photo flight sometime during the week. I quickly agreed, and we did that flight a few days later.
The photo guys were flying morning and afternoon every day, with several subject aircraft each time, and they took 500 to 1000 shots of each aircraft. I knew it would take them quite a while to sort through all the shots, so I wasn’t surprised when it took almost two months before I saw the first results of this flight.
Today an alert RV–4 owner alerted me to the October 2014 EAA Desktop Wallpaper, which was a beautiful shot of our RV–8.
Other sizes can be downloaded for the next few weeks from the EAA site.