We got several inches of fluffy snow on Saturday, so no flying yesterday. The snow stopped early this morning, so I headed out to the airport to clear the snow from in front of the hangar and go flying. The airfield snow clearing took longer than I had expected, so I didn’t get airborne until just before lunch.
The Flying Club’s big Sicard Snowmaster snow blower was busy most of the morning, clearing the runway and the edges of the taxiways.
By the time I got back from flying, the sun on the paved taxiways had melted most of the snow left by the snow plow.
Sun ’n Fun planning is proceeding apace. I’ve ordered my 2014 US Customs User Fee Decal, and have done some preliminary route planning. We plan to spend a day in Savannah, GA on the way down. Savannah was founded in 1733, and much of the old city has survived. Terry read “Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil”, set in Savannah, and she has wanted to visit the city ever since.