Hits: 2512

If you are reading this, the move to the new web host worked. I made the move a couple of days ago, but had a few hiccups to sort out.  It seemed to work OK during my testing before switching the domain from the old host to the new one, but changing the site from an IP address to a domain two days ago somehow fouled up the fragile balance in the forces of the web, and the site stopped working correctly.  I finally found the Rescue function in Geeklog, and it immediately pointed out the problem - it was an easy fix once I knew what was screwed up.

There is a risk of issues with user log in, especially with the Safari browser. It was screwed up earlier, but it looks to be working now.  However, I'm far from certain that I've seen the last of this problem. I did a clean up of the user list, as the old site had collected many tens of thousands of users who had registered in the hope of creating comment spam.  There is a chance that I may have deleted a few valid accounts in that clean up.  If anyone finds that they cannot log in, please inform me - I have a backup copy of the old user info, and I should be able to manually copy it back.

The file downloads that were on the old site aren't up and runnign on the new one yet.  That will be be coming soon.  Same thing with the image galleries.